5 Top Branding Photo Ideas for Artists

Okay, you're an artist who is struggling to get noticed. Your website needs an update, and you have NO new photos to refresh your marketing material, profile pictures, social media, and blog!

I totally get your pain and frustration! Marketing yourself is a difficult time sucker, especially if you don’t have professional images to use.

Hey, I may have the perfect solution. Think about how easy and time-saving it would be to have a bank of YOUR branded images at your fingers. Imagine actually being excited about reenergizing your marketing and wanting to show up on social media for your business.

Kass O’Brien Ceramic

Kass O’Brien Ceramic

If you are an artist, here are a few ideas to showcase images of you and your artwork. Meet my creative client Kass O’Brien Ceramics, her studio is located at the Arts Warehouse Delray Beach FL. Kass needed images for her newly branded website. We work together to plan the perfect map of key shots that were needed from the web designer and images for her social media that would resonate with her ideal customer.

Together we curated a list of specific photos that were ideal for her needs :

  1. About Me

  2. Behind the Scenes in the Studio

  3. Latest ceramic piece on display

  4. Photos of Kass with her Ceramic Art on location in a South Florida home

  5. Contact Me Page

LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION ~ It was important to select two locations that matched Kass’s brand identity. Working in her studio was a must as well as finding the perfect interior that fit her brand identity.

Kass’s generous friend opened her home for our photoshoot shoot. This stunning South Florida residence had the perfect Palm Beach decor and vibe that fit Kass’s brand to perfection.

Photographing Kass and her ceramic artwork was a magical experience. You know when something clicks and it just feels right… that’s the feeling and visual storytelling I strive to achieve with my clients.

xoxo ~ Colleen

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